Sodality Technologies Corp

Strengthening friendships, one app at a time

Everybody wants more CLOSE friends. To feel seen. To have people who reach out and invite you to a thing. Friends who remember that your Grandma Mimmo died. Friends who know you like the corner brownie.

We "know" a ton of people but we feel like not that many people "get" us. Lots of people live in a dorm with 100 people, know most of their names, and feel like you're not close to any of them. ‍

What is it that makes us level up a connection to a true friendship?

A few years ago, Kyle tried to apply math to friendship and sketched out this.

Kyle friendship math
Nancy's Friendship equation

Nancy noodled her version on a white (orange) board.

To us, it isn’t a quantity question; its about QUALITY. What makes a friend a really good friend? What is the line between someone you know and someone who really knows you?

Join our conversation about friendship on Instagram @sodalitytech